CUE Research Centers and Groups | NYU Tandon School of Engineering

CUE Research Centers and Groups






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The AI4CE Lab works to advance fundamental automation and intelligence technologies, to enable their use in civil and mechanical engineering applications.

Center for Urban Science + Progress (CUSP)

The Center for Urban Science and Progress (CUSP) is an interdisciplinary research center dedicated to the application of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics in the service of urban communities across the globe. Using New York City as our laboratory and classroom, we strive to develop novel data- and technology-driven solutions for complex urban problems.

Composite Materials and Mechanics Laboratory

CMML focuses on research related to lightweight highly damage tolerant materials and aims at understanding the fundamental role of porosity in materials. The specialty of the lab is in the area of hollow particle filled composites called syntactic foams and in dynamic characterization of materials.

Emerge Lab

The mission of the EMERGE lab is to make it easy and efficient to develop capable, safe, and intelligent multi-agent systems through learning, simulation, and data. We emphasive use-inspired basic research where we draw inspiration as to what research is needed from specific problems in multi-agent autonomy and transportation.

Geotechnical Impact Engineering Laboratories

Our focus is on the application of engineering mechanics to understand the origin of penetration resistance of natural condensed matter. Our program interests are currently focused on the burial of unexploded ordnance in water-over-soil environments, but past work has included terrestrial earth penetrators, anchor embedment, and tunneling. A collaboration with Manhattan College Department of Civil Engineering.

Hydrologic Systems Group

We combine statistical and computational methods to study the dynamics of water in various built and natural environments. These hydrologic systems can be as diverse as natural watersheds, meandering rivers, urban stormwater infrastructures, mesoscale rainfall fields, and flooded geographies. .

Ruyle Lab

The Ruyle lab examines how human activity, the biosphere, and climate change impact water quality. Our lab uses controlled experiments and environmental measurements to build models describing the severity and impacts of chemical contamination. Our goal is to protect safe water and ensure healthy ecosystems and communities.

Silverman Laboratory

The Silverman Laboratory conducts research to understand and design sustainable and appropriate wastewater treatment process, in an effort to protect public health and environmental quality.

Urban Flooding Group

In a climate-changed world, flooding is expected to have an outsized influence on public health and infrastructure in urban areas. We are looking to develop a publicly- accessible platform that provides real-time flood information and to investigate changes to the microbiome.

Urban Intelligence Lab

We are focused on creating new data-driven methodologies to observe, model, and analyze the urban environment. Our work is grounded in solving real-world problems and providing decision-makers with a comprehensive understanding of the relationships between physical infrastructure systems, natural systems, and human systems.

Urban Modeling Group

Our mission is to change the way urban engineering is done by bridging the gap between Civil Engineering and Computer Science. We focus on developing tools to better understand the urban built environment through pioneering new means to optimize and synthesize multi-modal data collection, storage, and processing.