Accelerated B.S./M.S. Program
Simultaneously earn a Bachelor’s and a Master’s degree in Integrated Design & Media

The Department of Technology, Culture and Society can help motivated students utilize the School of Engineering's B.S./M.S. program to simultaneously earn a Bachelor’s and a Master’s degree in Integrated Design & Media in an accelerated manner.
The benefits of the B.S./M.S. program are that students may begin graduate courses while they are still undergraduates. It is possible to receive both degrees in five calendar years. Visit for more information.
You must complete the full requirements for each degree, but how you do so depends on factors such as what AP credits you have earned, how many summer classes you can take, and your ability to stay on track toward the goal. To participate in the program, you must apply at the end of your second year. Below is an example of how to complete a B.S./M.S. degree in Integrated Digital Media:
Please note that the courses in the following matrix are not prescriptive, and you would be choosing courses in accordance with your interests and in consultation with the IDM advisor.
First Year - Fall
EG-UY 1001 Introduction to Engineering and Design Credits: 1.00
DM-UY 1113 Audio Foundation Studio Credits: 3.00
EXPOS-UA 1 Writing the Essay Credits: 4.00
DM-UY 1123 Visual Foundation Credits: 3.00
DM-UY 2193 Intro to Web Development Credits: 3.00
First Year - Spring
PH-UY 1213 Motion and Sound Credits: 3.00
CS-UY 1114 Intro to Programming and Problem Solving Credits: 4.00
EXPOS-UA 2 The Advanced College Essay Credits: 4.00
DM-UY 1133 Creative Coding Credits: 3.00
DM-UY 1143 Ideation and Prototyping Credits: 3.00
Second Year - Fall
Humanities/Math/Science Elective Credits: 4.00
Humanities/Math/Science Elective Credits: 4.00
DM-UY 2263 Still and Moving Images Credits: 3.00
Humanities/Math/Science Elective Credits: 4.00
PH-UY 1223 Electricity and Light Credits: 3.00
Second Year - Spring
DM-UY 2/3/4XXX Elective Credits: 3.00
MD-UY 2314 Interactive Narrative Credits: 4.00
MCC-UE 0001 - Introduction to
Media Studies or MCC-UE 0003 - History of
Media and Communication Credits: 4.00
MA 2414 Basic Practice of Statistics Credits: 4.00
DM-UY 2/3/4XXX Elective Credits: 3.00
Third Year - Fall
DM-UY 2/3/4XXX Elective Credits: 3.00
Free Elective Credits: 4.00
Humanities/Math/Science Elective Credits: 4.00
Free Elective Credits: 4.00
DM-GY 6/7/8/9XXX Elective Credits: 3.00
Third Year - Spring
DM-UY 2/3/4XXX Elective or DM 4034 Internship Credits: 3.00
Humanities/Math/Science Elective Credits: 4.00
Free Elective Credits: 4.00
Select one course from either the Technology and Society or Interaction and Experience field of studies with the EXCEPTION of MCC-UE 1029 New Media Research Studio; MCC-UE 1031 Digital Media Theory and Practice; MCC-UE 1033 Critical Making; and MCC-UE 1585 Creative Coding. Credits: 4.00
DM-GY 6/7/8/9XXX Elective Credits: 3.00
Fourth Year - Fall
DM-UY 2/3/4XXX Elective Credits: 3.00
DM-UY 2/3/4XXX Elective Credits: 3.00
Humanities/Math/Science Elective Credits: 4.00
Free Elective Credits: 4.00
DM-GY 6/7/8/9XXX Elective Credits: 3.00
Fourth Year - Spring
DM-UY 4003 Senior Project in Digital Media Credits: 3.00
DM-UY 4173 Professional Practices for Creatives Credits: 3.00
Humanities/Math/Science Elective Credits: 4.00
Free Elective Credits: 4.00
DM-GY 7033 Media Law Credits: 3.00
Fifth Year - Fall
DM-GY 9963 Pre-Thesis Credits: 3.00
DM-GY 6043 Theories and Cultural Impact of Media and Technology Credits: 3.00
DM-GY 6/7/8/9XXX Elective Credits: 3.00
DM-GY 6/7/8/9XXX Elective Credits: 3.00
Fifth Year - Spring
DM-GY 9973 Thesis Project Credits: 3.00
DM-GY 6/7/8/9XXX Elective Credits: 3.00