Science and Technology Studies, B.S. | NYU Tandon School of Engineering

Science and Technology Studies, B.S.

On Campus


Please Note: Applicants are no longer being accepted for this program

Science and Technology Studies (STS) explores the human dimensions of science, technology and engineering. STS uses an interdisciplinary approach to investigate the interactions between science, technology and social practices. How does scientific and technological knowledge determine how we understand society, and how is science and technology shaped by social, historical and economic contexts?

Students learn to use humanities and social science methodologies to address contemporary ethical, political and social issues in engineering and technology. Our program is dedicated to using STS thinking in collaborating with science and engineering to produce professionals who will be the next generation and effective technological innovators.


To earn a Bachelor of Science in Science and Technology Studies (STS), you must complete 120 credits:

  • STS (40 credits)
  • General Education (40 credits)
  • Technology/Science (40 credits)

Humanities and Social Science General Education

4 Credits Writing As Inquiry EXPOS-UA 1
This foundational writing course is required for CAS, Nursing, Social Work,
Steinhardt and Tandon incoming undergraduates. "Writing the Essay''
provides instruction and practice in critical reading, creative and logical
thinking, and clear, persuasive writing. Students learn to analyze and
interpret written texts, to use texts as evidence, to develop ideas, and to
write exploratory and argumentative essays. Exploration, inquiry,
reflection, analysis, revision, and collaborative learning are emphasized.
4 Credits The Advanced College Essay EXPOS-UA 2
The course follows Writing the Essay (EW 1013) and provides advanced instruction in analyzing and interpreting written texts from a variety of academic disciplines, using written texts as evidence, developing ideas, and writing argumentative essays. It stresses analysis, argument, reflection, revision, and collaborative learning.
Prerequisite(s): EW 1013

  Free Electives 32 credits

You must earn a minimum GPA of 3.0 in the following group of courses:

1 Credits Engineering and Technology Forum EG-UY 1001
In this course the notion of invention, innovation and entrepreneurship (i2e) is introduced to the students’ educational experience. Students will be exposed to elements of a research-intensive institution and diverse research performed by leading engineers, scientists, inventors and entrepreneurs.
4 Credits Calculus I for Engineers MA-UY 1024
This course covers: Library of Functions, functions of one variable. Limits, derivatives of functions defined by graphs, tables and formulas, differentiation rules for power, polynomial, exponential and logarithmic functions, derivatives of trigonometric functions, the product and quotient rules, the chain rule, applications of the chain rule, maxima and minima, optimization. The definite integral, the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus and interpretations, theorems about definite integrals, anti-derivatives.
Prerequisite: Placement Exam or MA-UY 914
Corequisite: EX-UY 1

Technology/Science Electives

You must earn 35 credits from any of the following fields (at least 15 of these credits must be from the same field, unless otherwise indicated by minor requirements specific to a given department and approved by the adviser): biological sciences, chemistry, computer science, engineering, mathematics or physics.

Please note: some students substitute EG 1003 for a different science course, following the practice of the department that regulates their Technology/Science concentration. For instance, students on a premed track often substitute CM 1004 for EG 1003, as is the practice for BMS majors.

You must pass each of the following with a minimum of a C.

Core (16 credits)

4 Credits Science, Technology and Society STS-UY 1004
This course introduces important issues, historical and contemporary, related to science and technology from a variety of social, political and philosophical viewpoints. The multidisciplinary approach helps students to understand the interaction between science, technology and society and to discover the conditions that foster technological innovation. The scientific and technological way of thinking becomes clear through historical examples, helping students to consider important issues of science and technology policy, such as how science and technology can be used to benefit society and how one can foster innovation in a society or an organization.
Prerequisites: Completion of first year writing requirements. Co-requisites: None. Notes: Satisfies a HuSS Elective.
4 Credits Seminar in Science & Technology Studies STS-UY 3004W
This course considers the current state of the field of Science and Technology Studies. Students are exposed to the range and methods of STS as well as their own place within the field. The course is designed specifically to bring students with different academic backgrounds into contact with each other in a classroom setting. Satisfies an HuSS elective.
Prerequisite: One Level 2 STS Cluster HuSS Elective
4 Credits Internship STS-UY 4034
Students may undertake an internship for academic credit with an appropriate private, public, or non-profit agency or firm. The internship is an opportunity to extend learning outside of the classroom into a real world setting, and to explore career options tied to the major. Students complete 140 hours at the internship site and attend occasional class meetings. The course involves completing a learning contract, regular reflections, assignments, and a final presentation.
Prerequisite: IDM/SUE/STS majors only. Permission of instructor required.
2 Credits Capstone Project I in Science and Technology Studies STS-UY 4002
The capstone project I is an opportunity for STS majors to complete an independent, integrative, piece of scholarship on an important issue involving science, technology, and society. The capstone experience is intended to bring together students' past learning in previous courses, and to extend and deepen it by focusing on a specific, cumulative project. The capstone includes a substantial research paper and an oral presentation.
2 Credits Capstone Project II in Science and Technology Studies STS-UY 4202
The second half of a 2 course sequence, in which STS majors complete an independent, integrative piece of scholarship on a current issue involving science, technology, and society. This course centers on analysis and writing; students will draw upon modes of STS analysis and use critical thinking skills to transform their project proposal from Capstone I into a formal research paper. Students will bring the depth and breadth of their STS knowledge to this culminating senior project, which will also include a research prospectus, literature review, and visual presentation/oral defense.
Prerequisites: A grade of B- or better in STS-UY 4002 and senior standing.

Restricted Electives (24 credits)

6 courses from the Science, Technology, and Society (STS) cluster of Humanities and Social Sciences courses, excluding those taken to fulfill the Core Requirement above. These courses include the STS-prefixed courses as well as those listed under the STS Cluster for the Department of Technology, Culture and Society.

This minor is open to all majors and is composed of 16 credits:

One of the core courses in STS (must be taken at the School of Engineering):

STS-UY 1004W Please refer to the bulletin for more information
4 Credits Seminar in Science & Technology Studies STS-UY 3004W
This course considers the current state of the field of Science and Technology Studies. Students are exposed to the range and methods of STS as well as their own place within the field. The course is designed specifically to bring students with different academic backgrounds into contact with each other in a classroom setting. Satisfies an HuSS elective.
Prerequisite: One Level 2 STS Cluster HuSS Elective


12 credits satisfied by courses chosen from the STS electives list (1 course must be taken at the School of Engineering)

Sample Course Schedule

Fall Semester

4 Credits Writing As Inquiry EXPOS-UA 1
This foundational writing course is required for CAS, Nursing, Social Work,
Steinhardt and Tandon incoming undergraduates. "Writing the Essay''
provides instruction and practice in critical reading, creative and logical
thinking, and clear, persuasive writing. Students learn to analyze and
interpret written texts, to use texts as evidence, to develop ideas, and to
write exploratory and argumentative essays. Exploration, inquiry,
reflection, analysis, revision, and collaborative learning are emphasized.
1 Credits Engineering and Technology Forum EG-UY 1001
In this course the notion of invention, innovation and entrepreneurship (i2e) is introduced to the students’ educational experience. Students will be exposed to elements of a research-intensive institution and diverse research performed by leading engineers, scientists, inventors and entrepreneurs.
4 Credits Calculus I for Engineers MA-UY 1024
This course covers: Library of Functions, functions of one variable. Limits, derivatives of functions defined by graphs, tables and formulas, differentiation rules for power, polynomial, exponential and logarithmic functions, derivatives of trigonometric functions, the product and quotient rules, the chain rule, applications of the chain rule, maxima and minima, optimization. The definite integral, the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus and interpretations, theorems about definite integrals, anti-derivatives.
Prerequisite: Placement Exam or MA-UY 914
Corequisite: EX-UY 1

    General Technical/Science Elective  4 Credits

    Free Elective          4 Credits

Spring Semester

4 Credits The Advanced College Essay EXPOS-UA 2
The course follows Writing the Essay (EW 1013) and provides advanced instruction in analyzing and interpreting written texts from a variety of academic disciplines, using written texts as evidence, developing ideas, and writing argumentative essays. It stresses analysis, argument, reflection, revision, and collaborative learning.
Prerequisite(s): EW 1013
4 Credits Science, Technology and Society STS-UY 1004
This course introduces important issues, historical and contemporary, related to science and technology from a variety of social, political and philosophical viewpoints. The multidisciplinary approach helps students to understand the interaction between science, technology and society and to discover the conditions that foster technological innovation. The scientific and technological way of thinking becomes clear through historical examples, helping students to consider important issues of science and technology policy, such as how science and technology can be used to benefit society and how one can foster innovation in a society or an organization.
Prerequisites: Completion of first year writing requirements. Co-requisites: None. Notes: Satisfies a HuSS Elective.

    General Technical/Science Elective  4 Credits

    Free Elective  4 Credits

Fall Semester

4 Credits Sem in Science & Technology Studies STS-UY 3004
This course considers the current state of the field of Science and Technology Studies. Students are exposed to the range and methods of STS as well as their own place within the field. The course is designed specifically to bring students with different academic backgrounds into contact with each other in a classroom setting.
Prerequisites: One Level 2 STS Cluster HuSS Elective. Corequisites: None. Notes: Satisfies a HuSS Elective.

    General Technical/Science Elective 4 Credits

    General Technical/Science Elective  4 Credits

    Free Elective   4 Credits

Spring Semester

  STS Elective 1     4 Credits

    STS Elective 2    4 Credits

    General Technical/Science Elective  4 Credits

    Free Elective   4 Credits

Fall Semester

4 Credits Internship STS-UY 4034
Students may undertake an internship for academic credit with an appropriate private, public, or non-profit agency or firm. The internship is an opportunity to extend learning outside of the classroom into a real world setting, and to explore career options tied to the major. Students complete 140 hours at the internship site and attend occasional class meetings. The course involves completing a learning contract, regular reflections, assignments, and a final presentation.
Prerequisite: IDM/SUE/STS majors only. Permission of instructor required.

  STS Elective 3    4 Credits

  General Technical/Science Elective   4 Credits

  Free Elective   4 Credits

Spring Semester

  STS Elective 3    4 Credits

  General Technical/Science Elective  4 Credits

  Free Elective   4 Credits

Fall Semester

2 Credits Capstone Project I in Science and Technology Studies STS-UY 4002
The capstone project I is an opportunity for STS majors to complete an independent, integrative, piece of scholarship on an important issue involving science, technology, and society. The capstone experience is intended to bring together students' past learning in previous courses, and to extend and deepen it by focusing on a specific, cumulative project. The capstone includes a substantial research paper and an oral presentation.

   STS Elective 5    4 Credits

   STS Elective 6    4 Credits

   General Technical/Science Elective  4 Credits

Spring Semester

2 Credits Capstone Project II in Science and Technology Studies STS-UY 4202
The second half of a 2 course sequence, in which STS majors complete an independent, integrative piece of scholarship on a current issue involving science, technology, and society. This course centers on analysis and writing; students will draw upon modes of STS analysis and use critical thinking skills to transform their project proposal from Capstone I into a formal research paper. Students will bring the depth and breadth of their STS knowledge to this culminating senior project, which will also include a research prospectus, literature review, and visual presentation/oral defense.
Prerequisites: A grade of B- or better in STS-UY 4002 and senior standing.

  STS Elective 7    4 Credits

  Free Elective   4 Credits

  Free Elective   4 Credits