Payments to NYU

As we continue to support the fiscal operations of Tandon through a remote environment, we wanted to inform you about new procedures to deposit checks and cash. There are two methods for non-gift checks/cash deposits.
Option 1 (Physical Deposits):
Physical non-gift related check and cash deposits can be made at the Brooklyn Bursar Office:
Bursar Office/Student Link
5 Metrotech Center, 2nd Floor
New York, NY 10003
These deposits must adhere to the following steps:
- Complete the deposit transmittal form (attached)
- Send a copy of the form & check (if applicable) to
- Deliver the check/cash to the Brooklyn Bursar office address listed above along with the deposit transmittal form.
Option 2 (Mail delivery):
Non-gift checks being mailed from outside organizations can be sent directly to the following address:
New York University
Bursar Office/Student Link
Tandon (Contact Person)
383 Lafayette Street
New York, NY 10003
Gift & Sponsored Program Deposits
The check deposit process for other checks has remained unchanged. Please refer to the below for more information
Gift Check Deposits (FedEx/UPS)
New York University
Office of Gift Administration
547 LaGuardia Pl.
New York, NY 10012
Gift Check Deposits (USPS)
New York University
Office of Gift Administration
25 West 4th St., Room 405
New York, NY 10012
Sponsored Programs Checks
New York University
Office of Sponsored Research
PO Box 5166
New York, NY 10087
Wire Transfers
The procedure for wires has remained unchanged as well. See the attached instructions for more information.
Please send an email to if you have any questions.
Tandon Budget & Financial Operations Debit and Card Transactions
Types of debit/credit card transactions: Conferences, personnel expense reimbursements etc.
- Name
- Campus ID (Optional)
- Email address
- Telephone
- Brief purpose of payment