Our goal is to build and maintain comprehensive partnerships with corporations and foundations to accomplish our mission of raising funds for the school.
Popular partnership areas with corporations and foundations include:
- Named Scholarships and Fellowships – Brand your company to hundreds of potential hires and meet your scholars annually.
- K-12 STEM - Our initiatives serve demographic groups traditionally underrepresented in STEM fields and careers.
- Diversity initiatives – We rank in the top ten best colleges for minorities. Diverse Education specifically cites New York University’s engineering school as being a great example of diversity.
- Corporate affiliate programs – Engage in a specific department within the school through hiring, research, and employee engagement.
- Research – Explore our areas of excellence and see how we are developing cutting-edge solutions among our faculty and students.
- Capstone projects – Build a pipeline of talent and engage your employees while solving a business dilemma.
For additional information on these opportunities and more, visit our Partnerships page