Katepalli Sreenivasan
Dean Emeritus of NYU Tandon School of Engineering
The Eugene Kleiner Professor of Innovation in Mechanical Engineering
Professor of Physics (Faculty of Arts and Science)
Mathematics (Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences)

Katepalli Sreenivasan was the Dean of the NYU Tandon School of Engineering from 2013–2018. At NYU he has the distinction of being a University Professor, a title conferred upon scholars whose work is interdisciplinary and reflects exceptional breadth. He holds professorships in the Department of Physics and at the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences.
Prior to coming to NYU, he served from 2003 to 2009 as the director of the International Centre for Theoretical Physics in Trieste, Italy, for nearly seven years. Earlier, he taught at the University of Maryland for about a year and a half, as Distinguished University Professor, Glenn L. Martin Professor of Engineering and Professor of Physics, and as the Director of the Institute for Physical Science and Technology. Prior to that, Sreenivasan taught at Yale since 1979 as a faculty member, first in the department of engineering and applied science and subsequently in several other capacities: he was the Harold W. Cheel Professor of Mechanical Engineering (1988-2002) and held joint appointments in the departments of physics, applied physics and mathematics; he was also the chair of the mechanical engineering department (1987-1992) and the acting chairman of the council of engineering (1989). His post-doctoral work included two years in Australia and at the Johns Hopkins University for a similar period of time. He has been a visiting professor at Caltech, Rockefeller University, Cambridge University, and the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton, among others.
Sreenivasan’s honors include: Sigma Xi Fellowship, membership in the Scientific Research Honor Society, an Alexander von Humboldt Foundation research award, the J.C. Bose Lectureship of the Indian National Science Academy, Guggenheim Fellowship, Otto Laporte Memorial Award of American Physical Society, TWAS Medal Lecture in Engineering Science, Distinguished Alumnus Award and Centennial Professorship of the Indian Institute of Science, Sir C.V. Raman Visiting Professorship of the Indian Academy of Sciences, the International Prize and Gold Medal in memory of Professors Modesto Panetti and Carlo Ferrari, Academia delle Scienze di Torino, Italy, National Order of Scientific Merit (the highest scientific honor) by the Brazilian Government and the Academy of Sciences, UNESCO Medal for Promoting International Scientific Cooperation and World Peace from the World Heritage Centre, Florence, Italy, President Dr. Zakir Husain Memorial Award from the Duty Society and the Indian Society of Applied and Industrial Mathematics, Honorary Membership, Academia Torre e Tasso, Duino-Aurisina, Trieste, Italy, the Melvin Jones Fellow of the Lions Club (for humanitarian service), the Dwight Nicholson Medal of the American Physical Society for human outreach, and the 2009 Nusselt-Reynolds Prize from the Assembly of World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, the 2009 AAAS award for International Scientific Cooperation, and the 2011 Multicultural Leadership Award of the National Diversity Council.
Sreenivasan has been elected to the Indian Academy of Sciences and the Indian National Science Academy, the Academy of Sciences for the Developing World (TWAS), and the African Academy of Sciences, the US National Academy of Sciences, US National Academy of Engineering, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the Accademia die Lincei in Italy. Within the National Academies, Sreenivasan has served on the NAE Committee on Membership and the Mechanical Engineering Section (chair, vice chair, member) and the Mechanical Engineering Peer Committee (chair, vice chair, member); the NAS Class III Membership Committee; the NRC Committee on Human Rights of the NAS, NAE, and IOM; the Committee on Condensed-Matter and Materials Physics; and the Nonlinear Dynamics and Fractals Committee; and on the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Editorial Board.
Curriculum Vitae
Academic Degrees
- 1968, B.E. (Mech. Engg.), Bangalore University (first rank, with Sir M. Visvesvaraya Memorial Prize and Indumati Lalbai Memorial Gold Medal; the Institution of Engineers Prize and its Honorary Graduate Membership awarded for achieving the first place in all branches of engineering for all three universities in the State of Karnataka)
- 1970, M.E. (Aero. Engg.), Indian Institute of Science (J.R.D. Tata Fellowship; first rank)
- 1975, Ph.D. (Aero. Engg.), Indian Institute of Science (P.S. Narayana Medal for the best Ph.D. thesis in Mechanical Sciences)
- 1985, M.A. (Privatim), Yale University
- 2006, D.Sc. (Honoris Causa), Lucknow University, India
- 2007, D.Sc. (Honoris Causa), University of Hyderabad, India
- 2008, D.Sc. (Honoris Causa), Romanian Academy, Bucharest
Visiting Positions
- Summers of 1981, 82, 84, Visiting Scientist, Center for Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, Indian Institute of Science
- 1983, Visiting Scientist, DFVLR, Göttingen, Germany
- Spring 1985, Visiting Professor of Aeronautics, California Institute of Technology
- Spring 1988, Visiting Professor of Physics, Rockefeller University
- Fall 1992, Visiting Professor of Fluid Mechanics, Jawaharlal Nehru Center for Advanced Scientific Research, Bangalore
- 1995-96, Member, School of Mathematics, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton
- Spring 1999 and Fall 2008, Rothschild Distinguished Visiting Professor, Newton Institute, Cambridge University, England
- 2001-, Distinguished Faculty Fellow, Jawaharlal Nehru Center for Advanced Scientific Research
- Summer 2001, Satish Dhawan Distinguished Professor of Aerospace Engineering, Indian Institute of Science
- Summer 2002, Sir C.V. Raman Distinguished Professor, Indian Academy of Sciences
Research interests, teaching and publications
Primary expertise: Fluid mechanics and turbulence. Other interests: complex fluids, nonlinear and nonequilibrium phenomena and cryogenic helium. Emerging interests: mathematical modeling of global change and biomechanical phenomena.
Taught undergraduate and graduate courses on such topics at Yale, often short courses elsewhere.
About 260 journal publications and book articles relating to areas of my specialization, and also on sonic booms, nucleation of droplets in condensation, chaos, fractals, cosmology, and so forth.
Invited and special lectures
Delivered numerous plenary and principal invited lectures in international meetings and workshops on fluid dynamics and related fields such as plasma physics, aeronautics, condensed matter physics, nonlinear dynamics, applied mathematics, fractals, and complexity. Opening addresses at many conferences at ICTP and elsewhere.
Numerous invited seminars in Universities and in Government and Industrial Research Laboratories all over the world. Among them:
- 1986, Emerging Scholar Lecture, University of Notre Dame
- 1987, The inaugural Stanley Corrsin Memorial Lecture, Johns Hopkins University
- 1988, Phillips Lectures, Haverford College
- 1992, Sabita Choudhury Memorial Lecture, Indian Institute of Science
- 1995, Distinguished Lecturer, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
- 1997, P.-Y. Zhou Memorial Plenary Lecture at the Seventh Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics, Chennai
- 1998, Sadowsky Lecture in Applied Mechanics, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
- 1998, Distinguished Lecturer, University of Maryland, College Park
- 1998, Carl Gunnard Johnson Lecturer, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
- 2001, Distinguished Lecturer in Fluid Mechanics, Pennsylvania State University
- 2001, Shih-i Pai Lecturer, University of Maryland
- 2002, C.H.B. Priestley Lecturer, CSIRO Atmospheric Research, Aspendale
- 2003, The inaugural J.M. Burgers Lecturer, Technological University, Delft
- 2003, Lecture at the hundredth anniversary of Professor Carlo Ferrari, Politecnico di Torino
- 2004, L.S.G. Kovasznay Lecture, University of Houston, Texas
- 2004, The inaugural Satish Dhawan Memorial Plenary Lecture at the Tenth Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
- 2004, C.K. Majumdar Lecturer, Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, Kolkata
- 2005, Plenary Lecturer, Inaugural Meeting of the World Year of Physics, Paris
- 2006, Distinguished Lecturer, Central University of Hyderabad, India
- 2006, The Abdus Salam Memorial Lecturer, Jamia Millia Islamia University, New Delhi, India; the Government College University, Lahore, Pakistan
- 2006, Inaugural Foundation Lecturer, Applied Mathematics Centre, Bangalore University
- 2006, Sir James Lighthill Distinguished Lecturer, Florida State University
- 2007, Stanford S. and Beverly P. Penner Distinguished Lecturer, University of California, San Diego
- 2008, Crocco Lecturer, Princeton University
- 2008, Speaker at the Opening Ceremony, 25th Anniversary Meeting TWAS
- 2008, Speaker at Andlinger Lecture on Energy and Environment, Princeton University
Awards, Honors, Academies, etc.
- 1983, Humboldt Fellow
- 1985, Fellow, American Physical Society
- 1988, Member, Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering
- 1989, Guggenheim Fellow
- 1991, Society of Scholars, Johns Hopkins University
- 1992, Distinguished Alumnus Award, Aerospace Department, Indian Institute of Science
- 1993, Fellow, American Society of Mechanical Engineers
- 1993, Associate Fellow, American Institute for Aeronautics and Astronautics
- 1995, Otto Laporte Award, American Physical Society
- 1996, Distinguished Scholar Award, American Chapter of the Indian Physics Association
- 1997, Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences
- 1998, Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science
- 1998, Third World Academy of Sciences (TWAS, now called the Academy of Sciences for the Developing World), Trieste, Italy
- 1999, Member, United States National Academy of Engineering
- 1999, Member, Connecticut Academy of Arts and Science
- 2000 (deferred), Ulam Scholar, Los Alamos National Laboratory
- 2001, Professor B.D. Tilak Distinguished Fellow, Department of Chemical Technology, Mumbai University
- 2003, The 2002 Medal & Lecture in Engineering Sciences, TWAS
- 2003, Honorary Fellow, Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore
- 2003, Distinguished Alumnus Award, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
- 2004, Honorary Professor, Tehran University
- 2005, Fellow, Institute of Physics, London
- 2005, Foreign Member, Mongolian National Academy of Sciences
- 2006, Fellow, the World Innovation Foundation, UK
- 2006, International Prize and Gold Medal in memory of Professors Modesto Panetti and Carlo Ferrari, Accademia delle Scienze di Torino, Italy
- 2006, Distinguished Service Award and Inaugural Endowment Lecture at the Centre for Applied Mathematics, Bangalore University, India
- 2007, Recipient of the National Order of Scientific Merit Certificate by the Brazilian Government and the Academy of Sciences
- 2007, Foreign Fellow, African Academy of Sciences
- 2007, UNESCO Medal for Promoting International Scientific Cooperation and World Peace from the World Heritage Centre, Florence, Italy
- 2007, President Dr. Zakir Husain Memorial Award from the Duty Society of AMU and the Indian Society of Applied and Industrial Mathematics
- 2007, Member, United States National Academy of Sciences
- 2007, Foreign Fellow, Indian National Academy of Sciences, New Delhi
- 2007, Honorary Member, Accademia Torre e Tasso, Duino-Aurisina, Trieste, Italy
- 2008, Dwight Nicholson Medal for Human Outreach, American Physical Society
- 2009, Nusselt-Reynolds Prize, Assembly of the World Conference on Experimental and Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics
Editorial: Journals and Series
- Associate Editor, ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 1984-1990
- Editorial Board Member, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Science, series C (Sadhana), 1988-1991
- Editorial Board Member, American Scientist, 1990
- Member, Advisory Board, Springer Book Series on Interdisciplinary Applied Mathematics, 1990-2000
- Editorial Board Member, Journal of Nonlinear Science, 1991-2002
- Divisional Associate Editor, Physical Review Letters, 1991-1995
- Editor, Journal of Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, 1992-1995
- Associate Editor, Physical Review E, 1994-1997
- Associate Editor, Physics of Fluids, 1995-2000
- Editorial Board Member, Physical Review E, 1997-2001
- Editorial Board Member, Springer Book Series on Applied Mathematics, since 2000
- Editorial Board Member, North-Holland Book Series on Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, since 2000
- Associate Editor, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2000-2006
- Associate Editor, Journal of Fluid Dynamics, since 2004
- Member, Advisory Board, Journal of Turbulence, since 2004
- Associate Editor, African Physical Review, since 2006
- Editorial Board Member, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, from January 2009
Editorial: Books
- Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, volumes 1 and 2, Elsevier, 1993 (Proceedings of the Third World-Conference), with R.K. Shah and Y. Joshi
- Developments in Fluid Dynamics and Aerospace Engineering, Interline, 1995 (conference proceedings), with S.M. Deshpande, A. Prabhu and P.R. Viswanath
- Two issues of Pramana: Journal of Physics, on Nonlinearity and Chaos in the Physical Sciences, Indian Academy of Science, 1997, with R. Ramaswamy
- Flow at Ultra-High Reynolds and Rayleigh Numbers: A Status Report, Springer, 1998, with R.J. Donnelly
- Perspectives and Problems in Nonlinear Physics, Springer, 2003, with E. Kaplan and J.E. Marsden
- Two issues of Flow, Turbulence and Combustion: Special Issues in Honor of Professor R.A. Antonia, pp. 91-492, 2004 (with R.W. Bilger)
- 100 Reasons to be a Scientist, The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, 2004 (translated into Chinese, Marati, Portuguese, Italian, Bengali, etc.)
- One Hundred Years of Boundary Layer Research, Solid Mechanics and its Applications, Springer, 2006 (with G.E.A. Meier and H.-J. Heinemann)
- ICTP and Africa, The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, 2007
- The ICTP Experience: Diploma and Step Students, The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, 2007
- The ICTP Experience: The TRIL Programme, The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, 2007
- Collective Phenomena in Macroscopic Systems, Proceedings of the Conference Villa Olmo, Como, Italy 4 -6 December, 2006, World Scientific, 2007 (with G. Bertin, R. Pozzoli & M. Romé)
- ICTP and Latin America, The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, 2007
- Frontiers of Fundamental and Computational Physics, Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium, held in Udine and Trieste, 7-9 Jan. 2008. (AIP conference proceedings, 1018). American Institute of Physics, 2008 (with B.G. Sidharth, F. Honsell, O. Mansutti and A. de Angelis)
Students and post-docs
- Supervised 30 Ph.D. students (plus currently 3)
- 17 post-docs
- Mentioned in a number of directories such as "American Men and Women of Science", "Who is Who in the East," "Who is Who in the World", "Who is Who in America"
- Honorary Member, Lions Club di Trieste Host;
- Prefaces to books authored by others, etc.
- News items or articles about Katepalli R. Sreenivasan in Phys. Today, 56, no.2, February, 27-28, 2003; Phys. World, 18, no.10, October, 38-41, 2005; Nature 438, 1046-1047, 2005; Nature Materials 5, 843-845, 2006; many newspaper accounts in New Haven, in Trieste and vicinity, in India, in Italy at large.
Examples of service activities at Yale University
- Yale College Faculty Review Committee, 1993
- Member, Advisory and Tenured Appointments Committee for Physical Sciences and Engineering, 1993 and 1996-2000
- Faculty Development Committee, co-chair, 1993, member, 1994-1996
- Factfinder, Yale College Executive Committee, 1994-95
- Silliman Lecture Committee, 1994-1998 (chairman 1997, 98) Applied Mathematics Committee, 1993-1996 (chairman 1996)
- Member, Executive Committee, Cowles Foundation for Economics Research, 1998
- Geophysics Search Committee, Department of Geology and Geophysics, 1998
- Chairman, Committee to recruit Assistant Dean for Yale College and Director of Asian American Cultural Center, 1999
- Member, Search Committee for Dean of Engineering, 1999
- Member, Yale Health Plan Advisory Committee, 2000
Examples of service activities at the University of Maryland
- Chairman, Search Committee, Director of Cooperative Institute for Earth Systems and Climate Studies, 2002
- Member, Selection Committee for the Kim Endowed Professor, 2003
- Member, Selection Committee for Outstanding Research Award, 2003
- Member, Advisory Committee for the Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computation Program Committee, 2003
- Member for the Physical Science Complex, 2003
- Member, Burgers Board, from 2003
Examples of service activities elsewhere
- Representative, Division of Fluid Dynamics (DFD) of the American Physical Society (APS), for the Committee on the International Freedom of Scientists, 1981-1987
- Member, Executive Committee of DFD, 1986-1991 (Chairman 1990; Ex-Officio Member until 1997)
- Member, Fluid Dynamics Prize Committee, APS, 1991
- Member, Nominating Committee, Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering, 1997-2000
- Frenkiel Award Committee for DFD, Member 1989, Chairman 1999
- Member, Publications Committee, DFD, 1992-1994
- Member, NRC Committee on Nonlinear Science, 1993
- Member, External Advisory Committee for the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, since 1994, Chairman 2000-2003
- Member, Committee of Visitors, National Science Foundation (Fluid Dynamics and Hydraulics), 1995
- Member, Otto Laporte Award Committee, APS, 1996
- Member, NRC Committee on Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, Board on Physics and Astronomy, 1997-1999
- Founder-Chair, Topical Group in Statistical and Nonlinear Physics, APS, 1996 and 1997
- Onsager Prize Committee, APS, Member 1997-2000 (Chair 1997)
- Member, Fluids Engineering Division of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), 1988-1991
- Member, New Haven Chapter of ASME, 1998-2000
- Member, Publications Oversight Committee, American Physical Society, 1999-2002
- Member (2001-2003), Vice-Chair (2002) and Chair (2003) of the Mechanical Engineering Peer Committee, U.S. National Academy of Engineering
- Member, Committee of Human Rights, U.S. National Academy of Sciences, since 2001
- Member, Biomass Task Force, Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering, 2001
- Member, Search Committee for Editor of Physical Review E, 2002
- Secretary (2003), Vice-Chair (2004) and Chair (2005), Section 10 of the U.S. National Academy of Engineering
- Member, Committee on Membership, U.S. National Academy of Engineering, 2003-2006
- Member, Governing Council, TWAS, the Academy of Sciences for the Developing World, since 2003
- Chairman, Engineering Sciences Prize Committee, TWAS, 2003-2006
- Member, Scientific Advisory Council, National Centre for Physics, Islamabad, since 2004
- Co-chairman, World Conference on Sustainable Development, Durban, South Africa, 2005
- Patron, Indian Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, since 2006
- Member, IUTAM Symposia Panel for Fluid Mechanics, since 2006
- Member, Scientific Advisory Council, National Mathematics Institute, Abuja, Nigeria, since 2006
- Chairman, the G8-UNESCO World Forum on Education, Research and Innovation: New Partnership on Sustainable Development, Trieste, Italy, 2007
- Associate Member, C13 commission on "Physics for development", IUPAP, since 2007
- Member, International Advisory Council, International Centre for Theoretical Sciences, Mumbai, 2009-
Ph.D. students, the titles of their theses and last known positions
- P.J. Strykowski: "The control of absolutely and convectively unstable flows", 1985. Morse Alumni Professor of Mechanical Engineering, University of Minnesota, MN
- T.B. Lynn: "Manipulation of the structure of a turbulent boundary layer", 1987. Vice President, Dexsil Corporation, CT
- S. Raghu: "The control of combustion and acoustic coupled fluid dynamic instabilities", 1987. President, Advanced Fluidics, MD
- M.S. Garelick: "Numerical analysis of manipulated laminar flows", 1988. Professor of Engineering, U.S. Merchant Marine Academy, NY
- R. Ramshankar: "The dynamics of countercurrent mixing layers", 1988. Director, Marketing and Strategic Analysis, Cummins, Inc.
- C. Meneveau: "The multifractal nature of turbulence", 1989. Louis M. Sardella Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, MD
- A.B. Chhabra: "The thermodynamic formalism of multifractals and its applications to chaotic dynamical systems and turbulence", 1989. Chief Investment Officer, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton (formally registered with R.V. Jensen)
- D.J. Olinger: "Universality in the transition to chaos in open fluid flows", 1990. Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, MA
- M.S. Fan: "Features of vorticity in turbulent flows", 1990. Department Manager, Microelectronics Group, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD
- D.M. Kyle: "The instability and breakdown of a round variable-density jet", 1991. Staff Researcher, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, TN
- A.W. Johnson: "Laminarization and retransition of turbulent boundary layers in supersonic flow", 1993. Combustion/aerothermal Design Engineer, General Electric Aircraft Engines, OH
- L.M. Zubair: "Studies in turbulence using wavelet transforms for data compression and scale separation", 1993. Research Scientist, Earth Institute, Columbia University, NY
- P. Kailasnath: "Reynolds number effects and the momentum flux in turbulent boundary layers", 1993. Senior Research Scientist, Diagnostic Radiology, Yale Medical School, CT
- J.R. Saylor: "Differential diffusion in turbulent and oscillatory, non-turbulent water flows", 1993. Associate Professor, Clemson University, SC
- G. Stolovitzky: "Statistical order of small scales in turbulence", 1994. Manager, Functional Genomics Program, IBM, Yorktown Heights, NY
- A. Juneja: "Scaling laws in turbulence: their manifestation and utility", 1995. Director of Product Quality, Egain Corp., Sunnyvale, CA
- A. Denner: "Classification of cardiac disease state by electrocardiographic signal processing", 1996. Systems Analyst, Morgan Stanley, NY
- A. Sahay: "The mean velocity and Reynolds shear stress in turbulent pipe and channel flows", 1997. Lecturer, Department of Mathematics, University of Wisconsin, Madison
- B. Dhruva: "Experiments in high-Reynolds-number turbulence", 1999. Research Director and Discipline Manager, Schlumberger Cambridge Research
- R. Bhiladvala: "Development of microfabricated thermal sensors with guard heating for wall shear stress measurements in turbulent flows", 2000. Post-doctoral Fellow, Nanofabrication Center, Cornell University
- I. San Gil: "Fractal character of isoscalar surfaces in shear free turbulence and some effects of shear on the turbulence structure", 2001. Bioinformatics Specialist, Yale Medical School
- S. Kurien: "Anisotropy and the universal properties of turbulence", 2001. Staff Scientist, Theory Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory, NM
- C.M. White: "High Reynolds number turbulence in small apparatus", 2001. Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of New Hampshire, CA
- K.G. Aivalis: "Measurement and analysis of scalar fluctuations in turbulent flows", 2004. Self-employed as a consultant.
- J. Cleve: "Data-driven theoretical modelling of the turbulent energy cascade", 2004 (co-supervised with Dr. Martin Greiner). Research Scientists, Siemens, Germany
- A. Karpikov: "Drag reduction by dilute addition of long-chain polymers: simulations using the Lattice Boltzmann methods", 2005 (co-supervised with S.A. Orszag). Post-doctoral Fellow, School of Medicine, Yale University
- M.R. Mohyuddin: "On solutions of nonlinear equations arising in the Rivlin-Ericksen work", SANDWICH student from Pakistan, 2005
- G.P. Bewley: "Using frozen hydrogen particles to observe rotating and quantized flows in liquid helium", 2006. Post-doctoral Fellow, Max-Planck Institute for Fluid Mechanics, Göttingen, Germany
- Vicky Taffoti: "Dynamics of rings of nonlinear electromechanical systems with rigid and flexible arms", 2008. SANDWICH student, Cameroon
- Gabriella Silano: "Numerical simulations of thermal convection at high Prandtl numbers", 2008. Trieste, Italy.
Current Ph.D. students, supervised in conjunction with a co-advisor
- Kaveri Joshi (thermal convection in liquid sodium, Maryland)
- Xsitaaz Chadee (SANDWICH student, Trinidad)
- Valentina Stocca (LES modeling of stratified atmospheric flows, Trieste)
- Enrico Fonda (low temperature physics, Trieste)
- Cicilia Rorai (turbulence simulations, Trieste)
Post-Doctoral —only those who stayed for significant amounts of time are listed (along with the positions to which they moved next)
- Surya Raghu (Ph.D., Yale; Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, SUNY Stonybrook, NY)
- Rahul Prasad (Ph.D., Yale; Vice President, Science Research Laboratory, CA)
- Ashvin Chhabra (Ph.D., Yale; Post Doctoral Fellow, University of Chicago)
- Richard Everson (Ph.D., Leeds; Research Associate, Rockefeller University, NY)
- John Ringland (Ph.D., Austin Texas; Assistant Professor of Mathematics, SUNY Buffalo)
- Hyundoo Shin (Ph.D., Brown; Samsung Electronics Company, South Korea)
- Anil Suri (Ph.D., Harvard; unknown)
- Daniel Lathrop (Ph.D., Texas; Assistant Professor of Physics, Emery University, Atlanta)
- Lareef Zubair (Ph.D., Yale; Assistant Professor, Institute of Fundamental Research, Sri Lanka)
- Anupam Sahay (Ph.D., Yale; Lecturer, Department of Mathematics, University of Madison-Wisconsin)
- Eric van Doorn (Ph.D., Duke; Research Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Rutgers University)
- Adonios Karpetis (Ph.D., Yale; Combustion Research Facility, Sandia National Laboratory, Livermore, CA)
- Rustom Bhiladvala (Ph.D., Yale; Nanofrabrication Center, Cornell University)
- Joerg Schumacher (Ph.D., University of Marburg; Assistant Professor, University of Ilmenau)
- A. Sameen (Ph.D., Indian Institute of Science; Assistant Professor, IIT Madras)
- Jean-Daniel Rüedi (Ph.D., Switzerland)
- Diego Donzis (Ph.D. Georgia Tech; Assistant Professor, Texas A&M)
Many visitors (both short and long term).
- Seismic Sounding of Convection in the Sun.
- Turbulent Thermal Convection.
- Influence of container shape on scaling of turbulent fluctuations in convection.
- The Quest to Understand Supergranulation and Large-Scale Convection in the Sun.
- Solar Physics 289 , 3403-3419, 2014 (with S.M. Hanasoge)
- Small-scale universality in fluid turbulence.
- The Turbulent Schmidt Number.
- Viscosity of liquid He-4 and quantum of circula tion: Are they related?
- Introduction to quantum turbulence.
- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 111 , 4647-4652, 2014 (with C.F. Barenghi, L. Skrbek)
- Direct numerical simulation of turbulent mixing at very low Schmidt number with a uniform mean gradient.
- Physics of Fluids 26 , 015107, 2014 (with P.K. Yeung)
- Acceleration and turbulence in Rayleigh-Taylor mixing.
- Propagating and annihilating vortex dipoles in the Gross-Pitaevskii equation.
- Seismic constraints on rotation of Sun-like star and mass of exoplanet.
- Anomalous heat transport and condensation in convection of cryogenic helium.
- Spectrum of passive scalars of high molecular diffusivity in turbulent mixing.
- Turbulent mixing and beond: non-equilibrium processes from atomistic to astrophysical scales.
- Liquid nitrogen in fluid dynamics: Visualization and velocimetry using frozen particles.
- Anomalously weak solar convection.
- Dissipation, enstrophy and pressure statistics in turbulence simulations at high Reynolds number.
- Special Issue on Small Scale Turbulence Preface.
- Some results on the Reynolds number scaling of pressure statistics in isotropic turbulence.
- Developed quantum turbulence and its decay.
- The relationship between the velocity skewness and the amplitude modulation of the small scale by the large scale in turbulent boundary layes.
- Introduction: Summary of papers.
- G.I. Taylor: The inspiration behind the Cambridge School.
- Preface.
- Epilogue: A turbulence timeline.
- Some results on the Reynolds number scaling of pressure statistics in isotropic turbulence.
- Outline of Round Tables INTRODUCTION.
- The Batchelor Spectrum for Mixing of Passive Scalars in Isotropic Turbulence.
- Does confined turbulent convection ever attain the 'asymptotic scaling' with 1/2 power?
- Numerical simulations of Rayleigh-Benard convection for Prandtl numbers between 10-1 and 104 and Rayleigh numbers between 105 and 109.
- The bottleneck effect and the Kolmogorov constant in isotropic turbulence.
- Wall-bounded turbulent flows at high Reynolds numbers: Recent advances and key issues.
- Turbulent rotating convection at high Rayleigh and Taylor numbers.
- Short-term forecasts and scaling of intense events in turbulence.
- Turbulent mixing and beyond INTRODUCTION.
- Lagrangian views on turbulent mixing of passive scalars.
- High-performance holographic technologies for fluid-dynamics experiments.
- The decay of a quantized vortex ring and the influence of tracer particles.
- CICLoPE - a response to the need for high Reynolds number experiments.
- Turbulent convection with time-dependent forcing.
- Stretching the boundaries in turbulent convection.
- Lagrangian views on turbulent mixing of passive scalars.
- Short-term forecasts and scaling of intense events in turbulence.
- Specific roles of fluid properties in non-Boussinesq thermal convection at the Rayleigh number of 2×108
- Numerical simulations of thermal convection at high Prandtl numbers.
- Particle dispersion in a stratified Ekman layer.
- Visualization of quantized vortex dynamics.
- A comparison of turbulent thermal convection between conditions of constant temperature and constant heat flux.
- Dissipation and enstrophy in isotropic turbulence: Resolution effects and scaling in direct numerical simulations.
- Formation of the "superconducting" core in turbulent thermal convection.
- Particles for tracing turbulent liquid helium.
- The state of the art in hydrodynamic turbulence: Past successes and future challenges.
- Taylor's frozen-flow hypothesis in Burgers turbulence.
- Complexity and hydrodynamic turbulence.
- Characterization of reconnecting vortices in superfluid helium.
- Non-Boussinesq convection at moderate Rayleigh numbers in low temperature gaseous helium.
- Visualization of superfluid helium flow.
- Velocity statistics distinguish quantum turbulence from classical turbulence.
- Statistics and geometry in high-Schmidt number scalar mixing.
- Numerical experiments of turbulent thermal convection at high Rayleigh numbers.
- Introduction: Scaling and structure in high Reynolds number wall-bounded flows.
- Asymptotic exponents from low-Reynolds-number flows.
- Inertial waves in rotating grid turbulence.
- Local dissipation scales in turbulence.
- The mean velocity distribution near the peak of the Reynolds shear stress, extending also to the buffer region.
- Onsager and the theory of hydrodynamic turbulence.
- Turbulent convection at high Rayleigh numbers and aspect ratio 4.
- Lessons from hydrodynamic turbulence.
- Finite-Reynolds-number effects in turbulence using logarithmic expansions.
- Superfluid helium: Visualization of quantized vortices.
- Reply to “Comment on 'Intermittency exponent of the turbulent energy cascade'”.
- Characteristic angular scales in cosmic microwave background radiation.
- Clustering properties in turbulent signals.
- The use of cryogenic helium for classical turbulence: Promises and hurdles.
- Averaging operators in turbulence – Falkovich and Sreenivasan reply.
- Cryogenic buoyancy-driven turbulence.
- Logarithmically modified scaling of temperature structure functions in thermal convection.
- Scalar dissipation rate and dissipative anomaly in isotropic turbulence.
- Finite-size scaling of two-point statistics and the turbulent energy cascade generators.
- Grid generated turbulence in helium II.
- Observational impact of surrogacy on the turbulent energy cascade.
- Fluctuations of temperature gradients in turbulent thermal convection.
- Very fine structures in scalar mixing.
- Logarithmic scaling in the near-dissipation range of turbulence.
- Anomalous scaling of low-order structure functions of turbulent velocity.
- Does the flatness of the velocity derivative blow up at a finite Reynolds number?
- High-Reynolds-number simulation of turbulent mixing.
- Rayleigh-Taylor turbulent mixing in immiscible, miscible and stratified fluids.
- Anomalous scaling of structure functions and dynamic constraints on turbulence simulations.
- Turbulent thermal convection at high Rayleigh numbers for a Boussinesq fluid of constant Prandtl number.
- Statistics and geometry of passive scalars in turbulence.
- Critical fluctuation of wind reversals in convective turbulence.
- Scalar dissipation fronts in high-Schmidt-number mixing.
- Sam Edwards and the turbulence theory.
- Collisions between Alfven wave packets in cosmic electromagnetic fields.
- Possible effects of small-scale intermittency in turbulent reacting flows.
- Simulations of three-dimensional turbulent mixing for Schmidt numbers of the order 1000.
- Multiscale SOC in turbulent convection.
- "Clusterization" and intermittency of temperature fluctuations in turbulent convection.
- Sign-symmetry of temperature structure functions.
- Solar flares and thermal wind reversals: Critical metastable states.
- Thermal convection at high Rayleigh numbers.
- Intermittency and the passive nature of the magnitude of the magnetic field.
- Intermittency exponent of the turbulent energy cascade.
- Towards a dynamical theory of multifractals in turbulence.
- Turbulent flows.
- Derivative moments in turbulent shear flows.
- Confined turbulent convection.
- Schmidt number dependence of derivative moments for quasi-static straining motion.
- On the effects of surrogacy of energy dissipation in determining the intermittency exponent in fully developed turbulence.
- A memory model for seasonal variations of temperature in mid-latitudes.
- Rayleigh-number evolution of large-scale coherent motion in turbulent convection.
- Kolmogorov's third hypothesis and turbulent sign statistics.
- Professor Narasimha's contributions to fluid mechanics: A perspective.
- Thermal turbulence in cryogenic helium gas.
- Scaling properties in rotating homogeneous turbulence.
- Geometric features of the mixing of passive scalars at high Schmidt numbers.
- Multiscale self-organized criticality and powerful X-ray flares.
- Extended self-similarity of the small-scale cosmic microwave background anisotropy.
- High-Reynolds-number turbulence in small apparatus: Grid turbulence in cryogenic liquids.
- Self-sustained large-scale flow in turbulent cryogenic convection.
- The use of particle image velocimetry in the study of turbulence in liquid helium.
- Temperature structure functions for air flow over moderately-heated ground.
- Mean wind and its reversal in thermal convection.
- Multiscaling of cosmic microwave background radiation.
- Temperature structure functions in the Bolgiano regime of thermal convection.
- Thermal fluctuations and their ordering in turbulent convection.
- Schmidt number effects on turbulent transport with uniform mean scalar gradient.
- Role of cryogenic helium in classical fluid dynamics: Basic research and model testing.
- Comments on high Rayleigh number convection.
- Measures of anisotropy and the universal properties of turbulence.
- Anisotropy of small-scale scalar turbulence.
- The wind in confined thermal convection.
- Dynamical equations for high-order structure functions, and a comparison of a mean field theory with experiments in three-dimensional turbulence.
- Energy spectrum of grid-generated He II turbulence.
- Turbulent convection at very high Rayleigh numbers.
- The onset of drag reduction by dilute polymer additives, and the maximum drag reduction asymptote.
- Cryogenic ultra-high Rayleigh number turbulence.
- The control of combustion instability: A perspective.
- Statistics of wind direction and its increments.
- Scaling structure of the velocity statistics in atmospheric boundary layers.
- Anisotropic scaling contributions to high-order structure functions in high-Reynolds-number turbulence.
- Laser wipers.
- Time-dependent simulations of laminar and turbulent flows in COIL geometries.
- New results in cryogenic helium flows at ultra-high Reynolds and Rayleigh numbers.
- Fluid Turbulence.
- One of the authors of the National Research Council Report:
- The decay of grid turbulence in polymer and surfactant solutions.
- The wall-normal position in pipe and channel flows at which viscous and turbulent shear stresses are equal.
- The effects of large scales on the inertial range in high-Reynolds-number turbulence.
- An update on the energy dissipation rate in isotropic turbulence.
- Does molecular rotation affect the transition Reynolds number?
- Differential diffusion in low Reynolds number water jets.
- Comment on "Isotropic turbulence: Important differences between true dissipation and its one-dimensional surrogate".
- Helium flows at ultra-high Reynolds and Rayleigh numbers: Opportunities and challenges.
- Is there scaling in high-Reynolds-number turbulence?
- Extraction of anisotropic contributions in turbulent flows.
- The phenomenology of small-scale turbulence.
- The onset of chaos in the wake of an oscillating cylinder: Experiment and the dynamics of the circle map.
- Inertial range scalings of dissipation and enstrophy in isotropic turbulence.
- Refined similarity hypothesis for transverse structure functions in fluid turbulence.
- The persistence of viscous effects in the overlap region, and the mean velocity in turbulent pipe and channel flows.
- Fusion rules in Navier-Stokes turbulence: First experimental tests.
- Transverse structure functions in high-Reynolds-number turbulence.
- Properties of velocity circulation in three-dimensional turbulence.
- The passive scalar spectrum and the Obukhov-Corrsin constant.
- Fractal geometry and multifractal measures in fluid mechanics.
- Gaussian nature of the COBE data from multipoint correlations.
- Asymmetry of velocity increments in fully developed turbulence and the scaling of low-order moments.
- Statistical dependence of inertial range properties on large scales in a high–Reynolds–number shear flow.
- Diurnal variation of heart rate fractal dimension in heart disease patients.
- Scaling of low-order structure functions in homogeneous turbulence.
- The search for a low-dimensional characterization of a local climate system.
- Refined similarity hypotheses for passive scalars mixed by turbulence.
- Scaling exponents near the onset of turbulence.
- Turbulent cascades.
- The energy dissipation rate in turbulent shear flows.
- On the universality of the Kolmogorov constant.
- Scaling properties of circulation in moderate-Reynolds-number turbulent wakes.
- Small-scale intermittency in turbulence.
- Intermittency, the second-order structure function, and the turbulent energy dissipation rate.
- Sign-singular measure and its association with turbulent scalings.
- Kolmogorov's 4/5ths law and intermittency in turbulence.
- Synthetic turbulence.
- Independent velocity increments and Kolmogorov's refined similarity hypotheses.
- Scaling exponents for turbulence and other random processes, and their relationships with multifractal structure.
- Fractals in fluid mechanics.
- Questions in fluid mechanics: Opportunities and challenges of flow experiments in helium.
- Kolmogorov's refined similarity hypotheses for turbulence and general stochastic processes.
- Multiplicative models for turbulent energy dissipation.
- This is a slightly expanded form of the article entitled: Self-similar multiplier distributions and multiplicative models for energy dissipation in high-Reynolds-number turbulence.
- One of the authors of the Report from the Department of Physics, University of Oregon:
- Scaling of structure functions.
- The instability and breakdown of a round variable-density jet.
- An update on the intermittency exponent in turbulence.
- Scaling functions and scaling exponents in turbulence.
- Conditional scalar dissipation rates in turbulent wakes, jets, and boundary layers.
- Zero crossings of velocity fluctuations in turbulent boundary layers.
- The thickness distribution of OH regions in a turbulent diffusion flame.
- Observations of liquid jets injected into a highly accelerated supersonic boundary layer.
- Self-similar multiplier distributions and multiplicative models for energy dissipation in high- Reynolds-number turbulence.
- Also, in a slightly expanded form entitled: Multiplicative models for turbulent energy dissipation.
- A scheme for generating initial velocity field for DNS of isotropic turbulence.
- Scale-invariant multiplier distributions in turbulence.
- The probability density of velocity increments in turbulent flows.
- Kolmogorov's refined similarity hypotheses.
- Sign-singular measures: Fast magnetic dynamos, and high-Reynolds-number fluid turbulence.
- Accumulation rates of spiral-like structures in fluid flows.
- Fractal geometry of isoscalar surfaces in turbulence: Theory and experiment.
- Do scalar fluctuations in turbulent shear flows possess local universality?
- The multifractal nature of the turbulent energy dissipation.
- On local isotropy of passive scalars in turbulent shear flows.
- Fractals and multifractals in fluid turbulence.
- Probabilistic multifractals and negative dimensions.
- Negative dimensions: Theory, computation, and experiment.
- Turbulent flow.
- Characterization and compression of turbulent signals and images using wavelet-packets.
- Remarks on high-Reynolds-number turbulence experiments and facilities.
- Turbulent flows and coupled maps.
- What is the matter with high-Reynolds-number turbulence?
- The measurement and interpretation of fractal dimensions of the scalar interface in turbulent flows.
- Joint multifractal measures: Theory and applications to turbulence.
- Interface dimension in intermittent turbulence.
- Quantitative three-dimensional imaging and the structure of passive scalar fields in fully turbulent flows.
- On the formation and suppression of vortex 'shedding' at low Reynolds numbers.
- Some results concerning the 'dynamical systems approach' to the 'turbulence problem'.
- Also, in a slightly different form entitled: The utility of dynamical systems approaches: Comment 3.
- Wavelet analysis of the turbulent jet.
- Turbulence and the tube.
- The fractal geometry of interfaces and the multifractal distribution of dissipation in fully turbulent flows.
- Mixing, entrainment and fractal dimensions of surfaces in turbulent flows.
- Scalar interfaces in digital images of turbulent flows.
- New results on the fractal and multifractal structure of the large Schmidt number passive scalars in fully turbulent flows.
- Absolute instability in variable density round jets.
- The turbulent boundary layer.
- Measurement of f(α) from scaling of histograms, and applications to dynamical systems and fully developed turbulence.
- Extraction of underlying multiplicative processes from multifractals via the thermodynamic formalism.
- Direct determination of the f(α) singularity spectrum and its application to fully developed turbulence.
- The fractal facets of turbulence. (In Japanese)
- English original
- Three-dimensional imaging of turbulent flows.
- A paradox concerning the extended Stokes series solution for the pressure drop in coiled pipes.
- Fractal facets of axisymmetric water jets.
- The fractal dimension of scalar surfaces in turbulent jets.
- Nonlinear dynamics of the wake of an oscillating cylinder.
- Multifractal nature of the dissipation field of passive scalars in fully turbulent flows.
- Flat plate drag reduction by turbulence mananipulation.
- Singularities of the equations of fluid motion.
- Universal dynamics in the wake of an oscillating cylinder at low Reynolds numbers.
- The multifractal spectrum of the dissipation field in turbulent flows.
- A simple multifractal cascade model for fully developed turbulence.
- Hopf bifurcation, Landau equation, and vortex shedding behind circular cylinders.
- Extended version entitled: On the Hopf bifurcation and Landau-Stuart constants associated with vortex ‘shedding’ behind circular cylinders.
- A unified view of the origin and morphology of the turbulent boundary layer structure.
- Control of acoustically coupled combustion and fluid dynamic instabilities.
- The multifractal spectrum of the dissipation field in turbulent flows.
- Chaos in open flow systems.
- The fractal facets of turbulence.
- Transition intermittency in open flows, and intermittency routes to chaos.
- On the fine-scale intermittency of turbulence.
- The effect of contraction on a homogeneous turbulent shear flows.
- The control of pressure oscillations in combustion and fluid dynamical systems.
- The control of transitional flows.
- Transitional and turbulent wakes and chaotic dynamical systems.
- Transition and turbulence in fluid flows and low-dimensional chaos.
- On the variation of the turbulent Prandtl number is shear flows.
- The azimuthal correlations of velocity and temperature fluctuations in an axisymmetric jet.
- On the scaling of the turbulence energy dissipation rate.
- On analogies between turbulence in open flows and chaotic dynamical systems.
- Stabilization effects in flow through helically coiled pipes.
- An instability associated with a sudden expansion in a pipe flow.
- Zero-crossings in turbulent signals.
- Some studies on non-simple pipe flows.
- Laminarescent, relaminarizing and retransitional flows.
- Equilibrium parameters for two-dimensional turbulent wakes.
- A test of gradient transport and its generalizations.
- Expanded form of the article entitled: Turbulent transport in passively heated homogeneous and inhomogeneous flows.
- Statistics of turbulence research.
- Turbulent transport in passively heated homogeneous and inhomogeneous flows.
- Also in expanded form entitled: A test of gradient transport and its generalizations.
- Skewness of the temperature derivative in an asymmetrically heated wake.
- Evolution of the centerline probability density function of temperature in a plane turbulent wake.
- Decay of scalar variance in isotropic turbulence.
- Approach to self-preservation in plane turbulent wakes.
- The effect of cooling rate on binary nucleation.
- Temperature fluctuations and scales in grid-generated turbulence.
- On the skewness of the temperature derivative in turbulent flows.
- Relaminarization of fluid flows.
- Local isotropy and large structures in a heated turbulent jet.
- Response of atmospheric surface layer turbulence to a partial solar eclipse.
- Rapid distortion of axisymmetric turbulence.
- Measurements of turbulent fluxes in Bass-Strait.
- Structure of turbulent bulges in an axisymmetric jet.
- Joint probability densities and quadrant contributions in a heated turbulent round jet.
- Conditional measurements in a heated axisymmetric turbulent mixing layer.
- Accuracy of moments of velocity and scalar fluctuations in the atmospheric surface layer.
- Conditional probability densities in a turbulent heated round jet.
- Temperature dissipation fluctuations in a turbulent boundary layer.
- Log-normality of temperature dissipation in a turbulent boundary layer.
- Skewness of temperature derivatives in a turbulent boundary layer.
- Properties of wall shear stress fluctuations in a turbulent duct flow.
- Determination of intermittency from the probability density function of a passive scalar.
- Diffusion from a heated wall-cylinder immersed in a turbulent boundary layer.
- Distorted wakes.
- Rapid distortion of shear flows.
- Relaminarization in highly accelerated turbulent boundary layers.
- Rapid distortion of axisymmetric turbulence.
Semi-technical Publications
- Roddam Narasimha
- Steven A. Orszag, An Obituary.
- Jerrold Marsden: An Obituary
- Steven Robert Harry Kraichnan, An Obituary.
- Foreword
- Some comments on nonlinear dynamics.
- A personal account of Professor Abdus Salam.
- Preface to
- Preface to
- Preface to
- Introduction to
- A perspective on the status of mathematics in India.
- Water crisis in India.
- Conference report: The IAEA's international fusion and plasma physics activities - report on the 49th regular session of the IAEA General Conference and the 8th Scientific Forum.
- ICTP as a model for excellence for doctoral and post-doctoral training in the South.
- Scientific measure of Africa's connectivity.
- Prospects and problems for world energy: Remarks at the World Renewable Energy Congress.
- Raising the level of science in developing countries.
- Access to scholarly literature via a free knowledge management enabler: An opportunity for scientists in developing countries.
- Foreword to the proceedings of the International Conference on "Frontiers in Fluid Mechanics" held in Bangalore, India, October 26-28, 2006
- Comment on: William C. Brainard and Herbert E. Scarf's "How to Compute Equilibrium Prices in 1891".
- A Web community to foster science in developing countries: www.ictp.it.
- A global role for physics.
- Preface: Special Issue in Tribute to Robert Anthony Antonia.
- Science in the South.
- ICTP: the next 40 years.
- "Three quarks for Muster Mark"
- Concluding remarks on Ludwig Prandtl and Goettingen.
- Setting new sights for the ICTP.
- The mores of publishing in science.
- Preface: Special Issue on Nonlinearity and chaos in the physical sciences.
- Book review: An introduction to error analysis: The study of uncertainties in physical measurements, by J.R. Taylor