Utah man paralyzed in pool accident just graduated from NYU

Last year, Spencer Brown finished his Master's Degree in cybersecurity. However, he could not experience an in-person graduation due to the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions. His wife, Ellis, decided to throw him a party to celebrate. During this party, Brown dove into their pool, and unfortunately faced trauma to his neck and spine.

Spencer’s injury resulted in incomplete quadriplegia, with some sensation and movement below his neck. Determined to walk again, Brown put his efforts into physical therapy. During this year's graduation, Brown celebrated his degree as well as his progress, walking across the stage to accept his diploma.

Despite the traumatic last few years, Brown "[tries] not to think of what ifs. What if I would have done this? What if Ellis didn’t throw me a graduation party? I try not to have any of those type thoughts. It doesn’t do you any good. You can’t change anything, right? It happened. It is what it is."