First-year Student Registration Process
Registering for classes is a multi-step process that takes many factors into consideration, and ultimately yields a combination of classes that reflect your intended major.
As a first-year student, you are responsible for registering for classes. You will complete this process in consultation with your academic adviser. Specific guidance on how to select and register for appropriate courses will be provided as you approach your start at the School of Engineering. Below is an overview of what you’ll need to complete in order to register. You can find additional resources and how-to guides here:
If you’ve been admitted into the Opportunity Programs or Spring into Tandon, you may have additional items to consider during the registration process and will receive supplemental information to guide your enrollment experience.
Questions? Contact the Academic Advisement Center (AAC):
Registration Steps
Submit Your Tuition Deposit
This is the first step of the registration process, which not only signals your intent to pursue postsecondary education at the School of Engineering but also allows us to officially matriculate you into your academic program.
Take the English-language Writing Placement Survey
If you are required to take the English-language writing placement survey, an online assessment, then you will be made aware of your status by email during the months preceding the enrollment period. Upon completing the survey, you will be notified of the writing class you will take in your first semester. You must finish the assessment before you can enroll in your writing class.
Take the Math Diagnostic Exam
You must complete the math diagnostic exam, or qualify for the exemption process, in order to determine the class you will take in your first semester. The math diagnostic exam is an online assessment and will take place on various dates before the beginning of the semester. You are encouraged to complete the exam before the beginning of the registration period, as this will allow you to register for your math class, during your initial enrollment activities. If you are not able to take the diagnostic before your enrollment date, then a math course marker can be used to reserve a space in your schedule for math. You’ll be able to go online after you complete the math exam to make a schedule adjustment, dropping the math course marker and adding the actual course. Review the math diagnostic schedule below.
Please note that if you are not eligible to receive transfer credit for your previous math coursework (Calculus I and higher), and want to demonstrate your competency in the subject matter, then you can pursue the Credit-by-Exam option available in the Mathematics department.
Submit AP and IB Scores and Transfer Credits
If you’ve earned credits as a result of an AP or IB exam and/or previous college experience, you may be exempt from certain first-year courses. Send such credit information to us by the deadline listed below. Request your AP score by contacting the College Board and send your scores to NYU (CEEB code: 2562). Review AP credit chart. For IB scores, please speak with your high school or contact the International Baccalaureate service to send your scores to NYU. Review IB credit chart.
If you completed college courses while in high school, and want to have them evaluated for transfer credit, then you will be asked to submit course documents (i.e. syllabi and/or course descriptions) and an official transcript. Additional information about the transfer credit evaluation process will be emailed to you prior to the beginning of registration.
Complete the Community Standards Module
As a member of the Tandon community, it is important for you to be aware of and understand the academic and behavioral expectations in place at NYU. The Community Standards module will cover the aforementioned topics, accessible online in NYU Classes. You must complete the module, in its entirety, as one of the preliminary steps in the registration clearance process. Check the release date for this module below.
Complete the Ed Tech Tools @ Tandon Tutorial
The Ed Tech Tools @ Tandon tutorial is an instructional package that highlights some of the digital platforms and tools you may use during your academic career. As a first-year student, you are required to complete the tutorial as a part of the registration clearance process. Check the release date for this tutorial below.
Watch the Pre-registration Tutorial
You are required to complete an online, instructional package in order to be cleared to enroll in classes by your academic advisor. This tutorial will provide you with information on your first-year courses, highlighting how they are connected to your intended major, while explaining how to select and enroll in the appropriate courses for your major. A quiz will be a part of this instructional experience, designed to reinforce the critical elements of the enrollment process. Check the release date for this tutorial below.
Register Online
The start date for registration for the fall 2023 semester will take place mid-June. Once registration begins, you will register by appointment: a 36 hour period pre-determined by the university. You must check Albert, our student information system, to see when your enrollment window will begin. Open enrollment will follow the last registration appointment period, and will conclude at the end of the second week of the semester. Specifics, e.g., URL to the registration site, will be provided as the start of registration nears. Review the full appointment period schedule below.
Important Dates
Your registration appointment date is informed by your major and is designed to make sure that you are able to enroll in all of your first semester courses without incident. Participate in enrollment activities, as soon as your registration period opens, for your best scheduling experience.
English-language Writing Placement Survey
If you are required to complete this survey, then you should make every effort to do so by June 1, before registration begins.
Math Diagnostic Exam
If you do not qualify for the exemption process, then you must take the math diagnostic to determine the math course you will take during your first semester. All exams will be administered online. Reservation is required to sit for the exam. Review dates and schedule your exam.
Release Dates for Required Pre-registration Modules
All the below modules must be completed before the start of your registration appointment period in order to be cleared for enrollment.
- Tuesday, May 13 Community Standards Module
- Tuesday, May 13 Ed Tech Tools @ Tandon
- Wednesday, May 21 Pre-registration Tutorial
Registration takes place online in two stages: the appointment period and open enrollment. During the appointment period, you will be assigned to a specific timeframe, lasting for approximately 36 hours, to register for classes.
Appointment Period
- OP Students Appointment- Tuesday, June 3 - Wednesday, June 4
- First General Appointment- Wednesday, June 11 - Thursday, June 12
- Second General Appointment- Monday, June 16 - Tuesday, June 17
If you are not able to go online during the appointment period, then you can complete your registration during the open enrollment period.
Open Enrollment
Wednesday, June 18 - Monday, September 15
AP and IB Scores and Transfer Credits
Please make sure you submit a request to have your AP and/or IB scores sent to NYU. AP and IB scores will begin to be processed for posting to your academic record by the middle of July. Related AP and/or IB credits will be posted to your academic record before the end of September.
For college courses completed in high school, make sure you send your official transcript to the admissions office and forward any supporting materials to the Academic Advisement Center by the middle of July.
Completing these steps, by the specified timeframe, will allow any awarded credits to be posted to your record, before the end of September, and factored into the creation of your schedule.