Paolo Taticchi

  • Adjunct Professor

Paolo Taticchi

Paolo Taticchi is a Professor of Strategy and Sustainability and the School Deputy Director (Executive Education, MBA, and Global Engagement) at University College London’s School of Management. He is also the Co-Director of the UCL Centre for Sustainable Business.

A globally recognized expert in sustainability transformation, competitive strategy, consulting, and the future of cities, Paolo has an extensive academic and consulting career spanning multiple continents. Before joining UCL, he was at Imperial College London, where he served as Academic Director of the school’s top-ranked MSc Management, Weekend MBA, and Global Online MBA, while also leading the Global Student Experience. He remains a Visiting Professor at Imperial.

A highly active educator, Paolo regularly teaches at top business schools across Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Americas. In executive education, he has trained thousands of managers and executives from Fortune Global 500 companies in over 20 countries.

His internationally recognized research on corporate sustainability and performance measurement has led to over 50 academic journal articles and several books. His most recent works include How to Be Sustainable: Business Strategies for Leading Change (2025), Sustainable Transformation Strategy (2023), and Disruption (2023).

A sought-after public speaker, Paolo has delivered more than 250 keynotes and talks, engaging over 100,000 people at academic, governmental, and industry events worldwide.

Beyond academia, Paolo is an experienced consultant in strategy, education, and sustainability. He has worked with firms of all sizes across diverse industries and currently advises or serves on the advisory boards of leading organizations in Canada, India, Italy, Kenya, the UK, and the US. In recent years, he also advised the Italian Ministry for the Environment.

An entrepreneur at heart, Paolo has co-founded four companies in engineering, technology, and consulting. As an intrapreneur, he has spearheaded high-impact educational initiatives, including six international summer schools in New York, the launch of an MBA program, the opening of an Italian campus in partnership with Bradford School of Management, and the development of a multi-million-pound project at Imperial College. He also co-founded and co-organizes an international internship program. Passionate about mentoring, he has supported and led social impact projects in Ethiopia, Kenya, and Italy.

Paolo’s work has been widely recognized, earning numerous awards and media coverage in top outlets such as The Financial Times, Forbes, The Economist, Sole 24 Ore, RAI, Sky News, Mediaset, BBC, and CNN. His accolades include: • Poets & Quants’ "Top 40 Business School Professors Under 40" (2018) • Knight of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic (2018) • "Talented Young Italian Award" (2019) • Named Sole 24 Ore’s most influential Italian under 40 (2021-23) • Stefan A. Riesenfeld Memorial Award from Berkeley Law for contributions to sustainable business (2024) • Named to the Thinkers50 Radar List (2025) • Highly commended by the Financial Times for research on impact investing (2025)

Paolo holds a BEng and MEng in Mechanical Engineering (cum laude) and a PhD in Industrial Engineering (operations management) from the University of Perugia, as well as an MBA in Innovation from the University of Perugia and the Bradford School of Management. He also completed the High Potentials Leadership Program at Harvard Business School.

An avid traveler, Paolo has visited 56 countries and led business projects across six continents.

University of Perugia2008

PhD in Industrial Engineering - Operations Management,

University of Perugia2006

International Master in Innovation and Business Administration,

University of Perugia2005

Mechanical Engineering,

Royal Docks Business School, University of East London

Senior Lecturer in Management

From: September 2012 to present

Polytechnic Institute of New York University

Visiting Research Assistant Professor & Adjunct Lecturer

From: March 2011 to present

Bradford School of Management

Adjunct Lecturer

From: March 2010 to present

NYU Stern

Visiting Scholar

From: September 2009 to September 2010

University of Perugia

Assistant & Adjunct Professor in Business and Management Engineer

From: July 2009 to August 2012

Journal Articles


ABS - Indexed Journal Publications:


  1. Taticchi, P., Cagnazzo, L., Barber, K., Beach, R. (2012) “A Management Framework for Organisational Networks: a Case Study”, Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, Vol. 23, Issue 5, pp. 593-614
  2. P.Taticchi, Balachandran, K.B., Tonelli, F. (2012) “Performance Measurement and Management Systems: State of the art, Guidelines for Design and Challenges”, Measuring Business Excellence, Vol. 16, Issue 2, pp. 41-54
  3. Tonelli, F., Paolucci, M., Anghinolfi, D., Taticchi, P. (2011) Production planning of mixed- model assembly lines: a heuristic mixed integer programming based approach, Production Planning & Control, Volume 0, Issue 0, pp. 1-18
  4. Taticchi, P., Tonelli, F., Cagnazzo, L., (2010) “Performance Measurement and Management: A Literature Review and a Research Agenda”, Measuring Business Excellence, Vol. 14, Issue 1, pp. 4-18
  5. Cagnazzo, L., Taticchi, P., Brun, A., (2009) “The Role of Performance Measurement Systems to Support Quality Improvement Initiatives at Supply Chain Level”, The International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, Vol. 59, Issue 2, pp. 163-185
  6. Taticchi, P., Tonelli, F., Cagnazzo, L., (2009) “A Decomposition and Hierarchical Approach for Business Performance Measurement and Management”, Measuring Business Excellence, Vol. 13, Issue 4, pp. 47-57


ISI - Indexed Journal Publications:


  1. Tonelli, F., Evan, S. and Taticchi, P. (2012) “Industrial Sustainability: Challenges, Perspectives, Actions”, International Journal of Business Innovation and Research (accepted for publication)
  2. Desideri, U., Proietti, S., Sdringola, P., Taticchi, P., Carbone, P., Tonelli, F. (2010) "Integrated approach to a multifunctional complex: Sustainable design, building solutions and certifications", Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal, Vol. 21 Issue 5, pp.659 - 679
  3. Mosca, M., Tonelli, F., Revetria, R., Taticchi, P. (2010) “Strategic Business Process Insourcing: Insights of an Action Research in the Railway Sector”, WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on BUSINESS and ECONOMICS, Issue 2, Volume 7, pp.136-148
  4. Cagnazzo, L., Taticchi, P. (2010) “Six Sigma for big companies and SMEs: evidences from literature”, WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on BUSINESS and ECONOMICS, Issue 4, Volume 7, pp. 295-310
  5. Cagnazzo, L., Taticchi, P., Fuiano, F. (2010) “Benefits, barriers and pitfalls coming from the ISO 9000 implementation: the impact on business performances”, WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on BUSINESS and ECONOMICS, Issue 4, Volume 7, pp. 311-321
  6. Cagnazzo, L., Carbone, P., Taticchi, P. (2009) “A New Reduction-Defects Model for SMEs based on Six Sigma Methodology: A case Study”, International Journal of Total Quality Management & Excellence, Vol.37, n.3, pp.417-426
  7. Cagnazzo, L., Luna, E., Brugnoni, C., Taticchi, P., Carbone, P. (2009) “A New Reduction-Defects Model for SMEs based on Six Sigma Methodology: A case Study”, International Journal of Total Quality Management & Excellence, Vol.37, n.3, pp. 27-33
  8. Tonelli F., Taticchi P., Starnini Sue E., (2009) “A Framework for Assessment and Implementation of Product-Service Systems Strategies: Learning From an Action Research in the Health-Care Sector.”, WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on BUSINESS and ECONOMICS, Issue 7, Volume 6, July 2009
  9. Taticchi P., Tonelli F., Hernandez E., Cagnazzo L. (2009) “Implementation of a Knowledge Management Tool within a VDO
  10. Network: Preliminary Results.”, WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on BUSINESS and ECONOMICS, Issue 2, Volume 6, February 2009
  11. Taticchi P., Balachandran K.R. (2008) “Forward performance measurement and management integrated frameworks”, International Journal of Accounting and Information Management, Volume 16; Issue 2, pp.140-154
  12. Taticchi P., Balachandran K., Botarelli M., Cagnazzo L., (2008) “Performance Measurement and Management for Small and Medium Enterprises: an Integrated Approach.”, Journal of Applied Management and Accounting Research, Volume 5, No. 2, pp. 57-72
  13. Botarelli, M., Taticchi, P., Revetria, R., Tonelli, F., (2008) “An Agent Based Tool to Support Tactical Dialogues in Industrial Enterprise Networks: model and experimental campaign”, WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on BUSINESS and ECONOMICS, Volume 5, Issue 8, August 2008
  14. Cagnazzo, L., Taticchi, P., Botarelli, L. (2008), “A literature review of Innovation Management models”, ReA UFSM, Vol. 1, N. 3, pp. 316-330
  15. Taticchi P., Tonelli F., Sameh M., Botarelli M. (2008) “Performance Measurement and Management: What is Next?”, WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on BUSINESS and ECONOMICS, Issue 11, Volume 5, November 2008 

Authored/Edited Books


  1. “Corporate Sustainability. A Revolution for Economy, Products and Processes”, Vito Albino - Paolo Carbone & Paolo Taticchi (Ed.), Springer (publication expected by December 2012).

  2. “Business Performance Measurement and Management: New Contexts, Themes and Challanges”, Paolo Taticchi (Ed.), Springer, ISBN: 978-3-642-04799-2, 2010.

  3. “Modelli e Strumenti Innovativi per la Gestione di Reti di Imprese”, Paolo Taticchi (Ed.), Edizioni Anteo, ISBN: 978-88-903451-0-4, 2008.

Other Publications


Conference Proceedings:


  1. Taticchi, P., Balachandran, K.R., Tonelli, F. (2010) “Do available performance measurement systems meet the business sustainability challenge ?”, Proceedings of the 17th International Annual EurOMA Conference: Managing Operations in Service Economies, Porto, Portugal, 2010
  2. Mosca M., Tonelli F., Revetria R., Taticchi P., (2009), “Strategic Outsourcing of Engineering and Technical Documentation to India: an Experience from a Company Leader in the Railway Sector”, in ICOSSSE’09 WSEAS Int. Conf., Genoa, Italy, November 2009  
  3. Taticchi, P., Tonelli, F., Cagnazzo, L. (2009) “Development of a Performance Measurement System: Case Study of an Italian SME”, WSEAS Int. Conference on E-ACTIVITIES, Tenerife, December 2009
  4. Taticchi, P., Tonelli, F., Cagnazzo, L., Negozio, M. (2009) “A Reference Framework for Looking at Business Sustainability”, WSEAS Int. Conference on E-ACTIVITIES, Tenerife, December 2009
  5. Cagnazzo, L., Taticchi, P., Fuiano, F. (2009) “Impact of ISO9000 on Business Performances: A Literature Review”, WSEAS Int. Conference on E-ACTIVITIES, Tenerife, December 2009
  6. Cagnazzo, L., Taticchi, P. (2009) “Six Sigma: A Literature Review Analysis”, WSEAS Int. Conference on E-ACTIVITIES, Tenerife, December 2009
  7. Tonelli, F., Sarri, F., Taticchi, P. (2009) “Virtual Organizations, Flexibility and Knowledge Sharing: The VDO Newtork Model Applied to Academy”, MITIP09, Bergamo, October 2009
  8. Cagnazzo L., Taticchi P., Bidini G., Baglieri E. (2009) “A structured methodology for analyzing enterprise networks needs: learning from an action research in the mechatronics sector”, 10th IFIP Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, Thessaloniki, Greece, October 2009
  9. Cagnazzo L., Taticchi P., Bidini G., Sameh M. (2009) “Taking advantage of collaboration within enterprise networks: a collaborative procurement framework and a case study from an italian network”, 10th IFIP Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, Thessaloniki, Greece, October 2009
  10. Taticchi P., Cagnazzo L., Botarelli M., Sameh M., (2009) “Performance measurement: discussion of the literature available for large companies and SMEs”, PMA Conference Proceedings, University of Otago, New Zealand, April 2009 
  11. Cagnazzo L., Luna E., Brugnoni C., Taticchi P., Carbone P., (2009) “A new reduction-defects model for SMEs based on Six Sigma methodology: a case study.”, Conference Proceedings - 5th International Working Conference on Total Quality Management – Advanced And Intelligent Approaches, June 2009, Belgrade, Serbia.
  12. Tonelli F., Taticchi P., Starnini Sue E. (2009) “A Framework for Evaluating Product-Service Systems Strategies”, 10th WSEAS Int. Conf. on MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTERS IN BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS, Prague, Czech Republic, March 2009
  13. Taticchi P., Tonelli F., Hernandez E., Cagnazzo L. (2009) “Implementation of a Knowledge Management Tool within a Virtual Organization: the GPT Case Study.”, The 8th WSEAS International Conference on ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING and DATA BASES, Cambridge, UK, February 2009
  14. Taticchi P., Tonelli F., Sameh M., Botarelli M. (2008) “Performance Measurement and Management: What is Next?”, The 7th WSEAS International Conference on E-ACTIVITIES, Cairo, Egypt, December 29-31, 2008 
  15. Cagnazzo, L., Botarelli, M., Taticchi, P., (2008). “Innovation management models: a literature review, a new framework, a case study”, 3rd European Conference on Entrepreneurship and Innovation, University of Winchester, UK.
  16. Tonelli F., Botarelli M., Taticchi P., Revetria R., (2008) “An Agent Based Toll to Support Tactical Dialogues in Industrial Enterprise Networks”, WSEAS Conference on Systems, Crete 2008.
  17. Botarelli M.,  Taticchi P., Cagnazzo L., (2008) “The Virtual Development Office Framework For Business Networks: A Case Study From The Umbrian Packaging District.”, PRO-VE , Poland, Poznan 2008.
  18. Botarelli M.,  Cagnazzo L., Taticchi P., (2008) “An Innovation Model for Enterprise Networks: a Case Study.” POMS Conference, La Jolla, California, 2008. 
  19. Taticchi P., Cagnazzo L., Botarelli M., (2008) “Performance Measurement and Management (PMM) for SMEs: a literature review and a reference framework for PMM design.” POMS Conference, La Jolla, California, 2008.
  20. Taticchi P., Botarelli M., Cagnazzo L., (2008) “The virtual development office framework in enterprises network organization: the GPT case study”, POM Conference, Tokyo 2008.
  21. Taticchi P., Balachandran  K., (2008) “Forward Performance Measurement and Management Integrated Frameworks”, POM Conference, Tokyo 2008.
  22. Balachandran, P. Lunghi, P. Taticchi, (2007) "Performance Measurement and Management: A review of Systems and Frameworks and Considerations for Small Firms", 12th International Conference on Quality and Productivity Research, Haifa, Israel, 2007 
  23. P.Lunghi, P.Taticchi, (2007). “An adaptive framework for SMEs performance measurement and management”, EurOMA Conference, Ankara 2007. 
  24. P.Taticchi, M.Christoffersen, P.Lunghi, Z.Perunovic, (2007). “Collaborative and Non-collaborative Vendor Selection Processes: Three stories from Umbria”. Poms Conference, Dallas 2007. 
  25. P.Lunghi, P.Taticchi, (2006). “A strategic business process outsourcing as the key in fast changing environments: an integrated model for the offshoring country determination ”, POMS Conference, Shanghai 2006. 
  26. F.Asdrubali, P.taticchi, G.Pispola (2006) “Sviluppo di un materiale innovativo da granuli di pneumatici usati per applicazioni acustiche”, Atti del Convegno ECOMONDO 2006
  27. P.Taticchi, M.Baldinelli (2005) “Financial analysis of a new manufacturing process for noise control sustainable materials”, Workshop: Material for Noise Control, Terni, Italy 2005


Conference Posters:


  1. A.Fortino, J.Seigel, P.Taticchi, K.R.Balachandran, E.Raggi (2010) “Methodology on a Global Reporting Initiative: Defining, Benchmarking & Analyzing Corporate Energy Usage”, Advanced Energy Conference 2010, New York Hilton, NYC – November 8, 2010

Research Interests

- Performance Measurement and Management - Sustainability - Enterprise Networks