Vikram Duvvuri

  • Industry Associate Professor

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Vikram Duvvuri holds a B.S. in mathematics (2000) from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and a Ph.D. in theoretical physics (2005) from the University of Chicago. While earning his doctoral degree, he served as a research assistant at the Enrico Fermi Institute, and he conducted his postdoctoral research at the Instituto Superior Técnico’s Center for Particle Theory, in Lisbon, from 2005 to 2007.

His training is in Gravitational Theory and his research accomplishments include initiating the use of modified-gravity, or ƒ (R)-gravity, as an alternative to dark-energy. Additionally, he has developed expertise in evidence-based and interactive methods in physics pedagogy, and has experience implementing active learning environments and measuring learning outcomes at several universities.

Before coming to NYU, Duvvuri has held lectureships at Princeton, and at Washington University in St Louis. He has also taught in the mathematics department at Rutgers, and was an Assistant Professor of Physics at BHSEC-Queens. In addition to his own scholarly papers, one of which has been cited more than 2,000 times, his work has been covered in such outlets as the New York Times and Nature.

Research Interests
Gravitational Physics, Theoretical Physics, Physics and Engineering Education Research