6G Wireless

  • RF Chip Design and Test from 1 GHz to 100 GHz and beyond



Develop an understanding of measurement techniques required for chip testing and associated calibration using a vector network analyzer and probe station. Component design and test of two, three and four-port RF devices. Development of new measurement techniques using sub-THz probe stations. Simulation of advanced components using industry standard CAE tools.

Methods & Technologies:

  • Simulation and component modeling using Ansys HFSS, Keysight Pathwave, Cadence Virtuoso Studio
  • Calibration and Measurement using Vector Network Analyzers (VNA)
  • Chip testing on probe stations from FormFactor and MPI


  • Simulation
  • PCB Fabrication
  • VNA Calibration
  • Chip Design

Faculty Advisor

Areas of Interest:

  • Electrical Engineering
  • Computer Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering

Primary Instructors